11/27/2024, 03:21 PM UTC
在回调期间为何我要加倍投资D-Wave量子Why I'm Doubling Down On D-Wave Quantum During This Pullback
1、D-Wave的Leap平台在量子计算服务领域表现突出,拥有可靠的量子退火系统,被大型行业玩家积极使用。2、Advantage2处理器的集成和《国家量子倡议法案》的重新授权被视为股价上涨的催化剂。3、量子计算即服务(QCaaS)收入同比增长41%,表明收入模式转向稳定的订阅制,拥有洛克希德·马丁和万事达卡等主要客户。风险包括六个月的现金跑道、持续的稀释风险以及催化剂实现前的潜在回调。1. D-Wave's Leap platform is highlighted as a standout in quantum computing as a service, with a reliable quantum annealing system used by major industry players. 2. The integration of the Advantage2 processor and the reauthorization of the National Quantum Initiative Act are seen as catalysts for potential share price increase. 3. The 41% YoY growth in QCaaS revenue indicates a shift to stable, subscription-based income with significant clients. Risks include a six-month cash runway, ongoing dilution risks, and potential pullback before catalysts materialize.