01/17/2025, 12:49 AM UTC
通用汽车承认将驾驶员位置数据提供给保险公司,导致保险费率上涨GM parks claims that driver location data was shared to insurers, pushed up premiums
1. 通用汽车(GM)因隐私问题与美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)达成和解,涉及未经同意收集和共享驾驶员位置数据的Smart Driver计划;2. 据称,这些数据被保险公司用来提高被认为驾驶风险较高的驾驶员的保险费率,而这些评估并不总是准确的;3. GM已终止该计划并结束与数据经纪商的合作,同意在FTC的20年协议下实施更严格的隐私保护措施。1. General Motors (GM) settled with the FTC over privacy concerns related to its Smart Driver program, which collected and shared driver location data without consent; 2. The data was allegedly used by insurance companies to raise rates for drivers deemed risky, based on inaccurate assessments; 3. GM discontinued the program and ended partnerships with data brokers, agreeing to stricter privacy measures under a 20-year FTC agreement.---