06/14/2024, 09:26 PM UTC
难以攻克的难题A Tough Nut To Crack
1、文章讨论了国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)上关于NAND内存继任者的持续辩论,NAND仍是非易失性内存芯片的首选。2、它强调了三星、日立、英飞凌和摩托罗拉等行业领导者开发新内存技术的各种方法,包括硫属化物基内存、纳米晶体内存和MRAM。3、尽管20年的研究和开发,NAND还没有明确的继任者,这表明了推进内存技术的复杂性和挑战。1. The article discusses the ongoing debate at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) over the successors to NAND memory, which remains the preferred choice for non-volatile memory chips. 2. It highlights various approaches by industry leaders like Samsung, Hitachi, Infineon, and Motorola to develop new memory technologies, including chalcogenide-based memory, NanoCrystal memory, and MRAM. 3. Despite 20 years of research and development, no clear successor to NAND has emerged, indicating the complexity and challenges in advancing memory technology.
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