09/19/2024, 03:39 PM UTC
双向双有源桥参考设计Bi-Directional, Dual Active Bridge Reference Design
➀ 本文讨论了双向双有源桥参考设计,强调其在电动汽车充电和能量存储中的应用。 ➁ 阐述了双有源桥转换器的优势,如软开关、效率和双向电力流动。 ➂ 德州仪器的该设计因其先进控制、强大保护和显著输出功率而备受赞誉。➀ This article discusses a bi-directional, dual active bridge reference design, highlighting its application in electric vehicle charging and energy storage. ➁ It describes the benefits of the Dual Active Bridge converter, such as soft switching, efficiency, and bidirectional power flow. ➂ The design by Texas Instruments is noted for its advanced control, robust protection, and significant power output.
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