09/10/2024, 01:38 PM UTC
Celestica的增长故事可能接近顶峰Celestica's Growth Story May Be Nearing Its Peak
1. Celestica将自己定位为超大规模计算器的主要制造和设计服务提供商,从AI基础设施的增长中受益匪浅。2. 分析师们越来越担心,由于货币化挑战,AI投资可能会下降,而ATS部门客户的需求正在减弱。3. 尽管存在这些风险,Celestica的股票交易价格达到了历史最高价的前瞻市盈率倍数。4. 文章建议对Celestica给予‘持有’评级,因为增长前景放缓,股价过高。1. Celestica has positioned itself as a major provider of manufacturing and design services to hyperscalers, benefiting significantly from the growth in AI infrastructure. 2. Concerns are rising among analysts that AI investments may decline due to challenges with monetization, while ATS segment customers face weakening demand. 3. Despite these risks, Celestica's stock trades at an all-time high forward price-to-earnings multiple. 4. The article suggests a 'Hold' rating for Celestica due to slower growth outlook and overvalued stock price.