08/24/2024, 10:48 PM UTC
阀门公司多人射击游戏《僵局》确认开发,期待什么?Valve’s Multiplayer Shooter Deadlock Has Been Confirmed, What To Expect
1、阀门公司正式确认开发新游戏《僵局》,这是一款结合了《守望先锋》和《DOTA》的多人射击游戏。2、游戏目前处于早期开发阶段,仅通过好友邀请进行有限访问。3、玩家可以选择20个具有独特能力的英雄,组成六人队伍进行对战。1. Valve has officially acknowledged the development of its new game, Deadlock, a multiplayer shooter described as a blend of Overwatch and DotA. 2. The game is in early development with limited access through friend invites. 3. Players can choose from 20 heroes, each with unique abilities, in teams of six competing against each other.