11/09/2024, 10:00 PM UTC
2024年11月:5只相对安全且价格合理的股息股票 - 收益高达9%5 Relatively Secure And Cheap Dividend Stocks - November 2024: Yields Up To 9%
1. 本文重点介绍了五只大型股息支付公司,它们提供的历史正常水平的大幅折扣。2. 筛选过程从美国交易所的7500多家公司中选择了五只保守的DGI股票。3. 文章展示了三个收益率为3.35%至9%的DGI股票组。4. 高收入DIY投资组合服务为订阅者提供独家访问此类想法的投资组合。1. This article highlights five large-cap, relatively safe dividend-paying companies offering large discounts to their historical norms. 2. The filtering process selects five conservative DGI stocks from over 7,500 companies on U.S. exchanges. 3. The article presents three groups of DGI stocks with yields ranging from 3.35% to 9%. 4. High Income DIY Portfolios service provides exclusive access to subscriber-only portfolios for such ideas.