02/23/2025, 05:10 AM UTC
微软展示Majorana 1拓扑量子比特量子计算机Microsoft Majorana 1 Topological Qubit Quantum Computer Shown
微软展示了其Majorana 1量子计算机的最新进展,该计算机采用拓扑量子比特,具有速度、紧凑性、可靠性和可控性的优势。公司旨在将该技术扩展到大量量子比特,可能引领量子计算时代。
Majorana 1以埃托雷·马约拉纳命名,他提出了存在一种粒子是它自己的反粒子的理论。微软的量子比特专注于利用这一特性。虽然目前尚未达到百万量子比特的超级计算机,但Majorana 1是朝着这一目标的重要一步。
Microsoft has shared an update on its Majorana 1 quantum computer, which uses a topological qubit for speed, compactness, reliability, and controllability. The company aims to scale this technology for large qubit quantities, potentially ushering in an age of quantum computing.
Majorana 1 is named after Ettore Majorana, who theorized particles that are their own antiparticles. Microsoft's qubit focuses on harnessing this property. While not yet at a million qubit supercomputer, Majorana 1 is a significant step towards that goal.
The challenge now is the speed of scaling. If Microsoft can scale to one million qubits quickly, it could lead to practical quantum computing. Otherwise, it may be another decade before we see the promise of quantum computing realized.