01/22/2025, 09:49 AM UTC
科赛尔RM1000e ATX v3.1(2025)电源评测Corsair RM1000e ATX v3.1 (2025) PSU Review
➀ 科赛尔最近向我们送来了RM1000e,一款新的金牌ATX v3.1电源;➁ 它具有原生12v-2×6连接器,用于最新的显卡;➂ RM1000e定位在科赛尔高端型号之下,并提供7年保修。➀ Corsair recently sent us the RM1000e, a new gold-rated ATX v3.1 PSU; ➁ It features native 12v-2×6 connectors for the latest graphics cards; ➂ The RM1000e is positioned below Corsair's higher-end models and comes with a 7-year warranty.---