09/27/2024, 06:00 PM UTC
《守望先锋》x《我的英雄学院》联动下月到来Overwatch x My Hero Academia arrives next month
➀ 暴雪宣布了《守望先锋2》与《我的英雄学院》的新联动,将于10月到来;➁ 联动包括5位英雄的MHA主题皮肤;➂ 将提供独家传奇皮肤和物品供购买,同时为不付费的玩家提供一些免费物品。➀ Blizzard announced a new crossover with My Hero Academia for Overwatch 2, set to arrive in October; ➁ The crossover includes 5 heroes with MHA-themed skins; ➂ Exclusive legendary skins and items will be available for purchase, with some free items included for those who prefer not to pay.