01/14/2025, 10:30 AM UTC
《杀手:暗影杀戮》突破7500万玩家里程碑HITMAN: World of Assassination hits major new player milestone
➀ 《杀手》系列自2000年发布以来一直受到玩家的喜爱,但2016年发布的《杀手》及其续作将这一系列推向了新的高度;➁ 《杀手:暗影杀戮》自发布以来已达到7500万玩家,成为有史以来最成功的《杀手》游戏;➂ 这一里程碑对独立工作室IO Interactive来说意义重大,并引发了人们对他们即将推出的詹姆斯·邦德游戏的成功的好奇。➀ The Hitman series has been popular since 2000, but the 2016 release of HITMAN and its sequels propelled the franchise to new heights; ➁ HITMAN: World of Assassination has reached 75 million players since its launch, making it the most successful Hitman game ever; ➂ The milestone is significant for IO Interactive, an independent studio, and raises questions about the success of their upcoming James Bond game.---
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