12/04/2024, 06:30 AM UTC
高效能运动的机器人Robots With Energy-Efficient Movement
➀ 德国慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)的研究人员开发了一种用于机器人高效能运动的突破性工具;➁ 该工具将自然振荡模式原理应用于机器人,使它们能够以前所未有的效率移动;➂ 研究以四足机器人BERT为中心,展示了这一新方法的有效性。➀ Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a groundbreaking tool for energy-efficient movement in robots; ➁ The tool applies the principle of natural oscillation patterns to robots, enabling them to move with unprecedented efficiency; ➂ The research is centered around BERT, a four-legged robot, which demonstrates the effectiveness of this new approach.---
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