09/10/2024, 12:15 AM UTC
微小改动将电动汽车和电网电池寿命提升50%Minor Change Boosts Electric-Vehicle and Grid Battery Lifetime by 50%
➀ 十年来最具颠覆性的锂离子电池研究显示,仅通过改变电池的工厂充电方式,其使用寿命就可以提高50%;➁ 这一创新有望显著提升电动汽车和电网电池的耐用性;➂ 该研究成果预计将对电池行业产生重大影响。➀ The most disruptive lithium battery research in a decade reveals that modifying the factory-charging process of a cell can increase its lifespan by 50%; ➁ This innovation could significantly enhance the longevity of electric vehicles and grid batteries; ➂ The research findings are expected to have a substantial impact on the battery industry.