07/28/2024, 08:10 PM UTC
麻省理工学院科学家称铁电材料晶体管可能彻底改变电子设备New transistors switch at nanosecond speeds and deliver remarkable durability — ferroelectric material transistor could revolutionize electronics, say MIT scientists
❶ 麻省理工学院的科学家开发了一种新型铁电材料晶体管,具有纳秒级的开关速度和卓越的耐用性。❷ 这项技术可以显著提高高性能计算和能源效率,对人工智能技术尤为重要。❸ 该晶体管在经过1000亿次开关后仍无退化迹象,可能彻底改变存档闪存存储。❶ MIT scientists have developed a new ferroelectric material transistor with nanosecond switching speeds and exceptional durability. ❷ This technology could significantly enhance high-performance computing and energy efficiency, particularly crucial for AI technologies. ❸ The transistor shows no signs of degradation after 100 billion switches, potentially revolutionizing archival flash storage.