12/13/2024, 02:36 PM UTC
联邦贸易委员会就在线游戏式工作诈骗激增发出警告FTC Sounds Alarm Over Massive Spike In Online Game-Like Job Scams
➀ 联邦贸易委员会警告称,名为“任务诈骗”的在线工作诈骗显著增加,诈骗者要求求职者完成虚假任务以骗取钱财。 ➁ 诈骗通常涉及收到关于在线工作的模糊信息,并被要求完成诸如“应用优化”或“产品推广”的任务。 ➂ 联邦贸易委员会报告称,这些诈骗在2024年上半年的数量翻了两番,仅在头六个月就有超过2.2亿美元的损失报告。➀ The FTC warns of a significant increase in online job scams, known as 'task scams,' which ask applicants to perform fake tasks to defraud them of money. ➁ The scams often involve receiving vague messages about online work and being asked to complete tasks like 'app optimization' or 'product boosting.' ➂ The FTC reports that these scams have quadrupled in the first half of 2024, with reported losses exceeding $220 million in the first six months.---