07/11/2024, 05:02 PM UTC
全球量子加密:纳米卫星QUBE发射升空Global Quantum Encryption: Nano-Satellite QUBE Launches into Space
1. 由德国联邦教育和研究部资助的QUBE研究卫星将使用纳米卫星测试新的量子通信技术。2. 这项技术旨在未来实现全球范围内的安全数据传输。3. QUBE项目涉及光学、量子通信和卫星技术领域的领先研究小组和创新公司。1. The QUBE research satellite, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, will test new quantum communication technologies using nano-satellites. 2. This technology aims to enable worldwide, secure data transmission in the future. 3. The QUBE project involves leading research groups and innovative companies in optics, quantum communication, and satellite technology.