03/12/2025, 01:00 AM UTC
2024年英国最吝啬投资WiFi的十所大学Top Ten Stingiest UK Unis For WiFi Investment
➀ 本文列出了2024年英国在WiFi网络投资上最吝啬的十所大学。
➁ 文章提供了每所大学的在校学生人数、网络管理人员数量以及年度WiFi投资支出详情。
➂ 同时,文章还与所有英国大学的平均投资进行了比较。
➀ This article lists the ten UK universities that spent the least on their WiFi networks in 2024.
➁ It provides details on the number of students, network management staff, and annual spending on WiFi for each university.
➂ The article also includes a comparison with the median spending for all UK universities.