11/23/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
超越SCHD:投资者不能忽视的两个改变游戏规则的高收益ETFMove Over SCHD: 2 Game-Changing High-Yield ETFs Investors Can't Ignore
1、SCHD虽然仍是黄金标准的股息ETF,但其增长前景已下降;2、摩根大通股息溢价ETF和胜利分享自由现金流收益ETF提供了具有更高收益和增长潜力的优越替代品;3、与SCHD相比,JEPI/VFLO提供了更好的波动性调整回报和更高的长期收入增长。1. SCHD remains a gold-standard dividend ETF, but its growth prospects have declined; 2. The JPMorgan Equity Premium ETF and VictoryShares Free Cash Flow Yield ETF offer a superior alternative with higher yield and growth potential; 3. JEPI/VFLO provides better volatility-adjusted returns and higher long-term income growth compared to SCHD.
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