12/02/2024, 02:59 PM UTC
无电池智能臂环在智能手机上显示健康数据Battery-Free Brace Shows Health Data On Smartphone
➀ 阿姆斯特丹和拉德堡德大学的研究人员开发了一种无电池设备Densor,可以测量口腔温度和下巴位置。 ➁ Densor使用NFC进行无线通信和能量捕获,兼容大多数智能手机。 ➂ 该设备在医疗保健、健康和研究中具有应用,包括监测正畸治疗和睡眠障碍。➀ Researchers at Delft and Radboud University have developed a battery-free device, Densor, that measures mouth temperature and jaw position. ➁ Densor uses NFC for wireless communication and energy capture, compatible with most smartphones. ➂ The device has applications in healthcare, wellness, and research, including monitoring orthodontic treatment and sleep disorders.
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