09/12/2024, 08:15 PM UTC
AMD发布AFMF 2和可变图形内存,为Ryzen AI 300处理器提升游戏体验AMD unveils AFMF 2 and Variable Graphics Memory for Ryzen AI 300 processors
➀ AMD推出改进的帧生成技术AFMF 2;➁ VGM功能允许用户将系统RAM的75%转换为VRAM;➂ AFMF 2和VGM组合使用时,性能可提升高达78%。➀ AMD introduces AFMF 2, an improved frame generation technology; ➁ VGM allows users to convert up to 75% of system RAM into VRAM; ➂ Performance can increase by up to 78% with AFMF 2 and VGM.