11/12/2024, 07:49 PM UTC
NASA深入探索天王星并揭开神秘巨星的秘密NASA Takes A Deep Dive Into Uranus And Solves Gassy Giant's Hidden Secrets
➀ 1986年飞越天王星的NASA旅行者2号飞船提供了让科学家们困惑数十年的数据;➁ 新研究表明,旅行者2号观测到的异常条件是由一次宇宙巧合和空间天气事件引起的;➂ 这些发现可能表明天王星的五大卫星在地质上可能是活跃的。➀ NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft, which flew by Uranus in 1986, provided data that has puzzled scientists for decades; ➁ New research suggests that the unusual conditions observed by Voyager 2 were due to a cosmic coincidence involving space weather; ➂ The findings may indicate that the five major moons of Uranus are geologically active.