07/13/2024, 03:33 PM UTC
化妆品行业利用纳米纤维在面膜生产中的优势(以及其他领域)The Cosmetics Industry is Taking Advantage of the Benefits of Nanofibers in the Production of Face Masks (and in Other Areas too)
1、纳米技术正被用于提高化妆品的质量,包括面膜和其他个人护理产品。2、纳米纤维化妆品面膜通过将聚合物溶液与活性成分混合制成,这种面膜能很好地贴合皮肤并有效输送活性物质。3、面膜中使用纳米材料提供了一系列好处,如活性物质的轻松输送、高保留性、透气性以及深层皮肤输送。1. Nanotechnology is being used to enhance the quality of cosmetic products, including face masks and other personal care items. 2. Nanofiber cosmetic masks are made by mixing polymer solutions with active ingredients, resulting in a mask that adheres well to the skin and delivers active substances effectively. 3. The use of nanomaterials in masks provides benefits such as easy delivery of active substances, high retention, breathability, and deep skin layer delivery.