01/24/2025, 08:58 AM UTC
每日图片:激光无人机,遇见蜂群无人机Picture of the Day: Laser Drones, meet Swarm Drones
➀ 文章讨论了在阿拉伯联合酋长国拉斯阿尔卡伊马举行的无人机展览会上首次亮相的配备激光的无人机。
➁ 它提到了这些激光无人机可能带来的潜在问题和娱乐方面的作用。
➂ 这些信息由姊妹出版物AV Magazine突出报道。
➀ The article discusses the introduction of laser-equipped drones at a drone show in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
➁ It mentions the potential concerns and entertainment aspects of these laser drones.
➂ The information was highlighted by AV Magazine, a sister publication.