12/10/2024, 03:29 PM UTC
泰可音频推出面向发烧友的无风扇PC,售价仅30KTaiko Audio Launches A Fanless PC For Audiophiles And It's Only $30K
➀ 荷兰高端音频实验室泰可音频推出了售价30,000美元的Extreme Server音频服务器;➁ 该服务器配备双Intel Xeon Scalable 10核CPU、无风扇被动冷却和高生产标准;➂ 包括一个用于Windows 10企业版的专用CPU和一个用于Roon音乐管理应用的CPU。➀ Taiko Audio, a Dutch high-end audio laboratory, unveils the Extreme Server, a $30,000 audio server; ➁ The server features dual Intel Xeon Scalable 10-core CPUs, passive fanless cooling, and high production standards; ➂ It includes a dedicated CPU for Windows 10 Enterprise OS and another for the Roon music management app.---