10/27/2024, 08:09 PM UTC
Steinmeier 强调民主在气候和环境保护中的力量Steinmeier Emphasizes the Strength of Democracy in Climate and Environmental Protection
➀ 总统施泰因迈尔在德国环境基金会(DBU)环境奖颁奖典礼上强调民主在气候和环境保护中的力量。➁ 德国环境基金会(DBU)向对环境保护和可持续发展做出贡献的研究人员和创新者颁发奖项。➂ 奖项获得者因其在沼泽研究、电动交通和气候变化缓解方面的工作而受到认可。➀ President Steinmeier advocates for the strength of democracy in climate and environmental protection at the DBU Environment Prize ceremony. ➁ DBU awards the prize to researchers and innovators who contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development. ➂ The prize winners are recognized for their work in moor research, e-mobility, and climate change mitigation.