10/28/2024, 02:30 AM UTC
台积电疑似因华为AI处理器中发现的芯片停止向中国芯片设计公司Sophgo供货[News] TSMC Reportedly Halts Shipments to Chinese Firm Sophgo After Chip Found in Huawei Processor
➀ 据报道,台积电已停止向Sophgo供货;➁ 据称,台积电生产的芯片被发现在华为的AI处理器中;➂ 停止供货可能是因为该芯片出现在华为处理器中➀ TSMC has reportedly stopped shipments to Sophgo; ➁ A chip manufactured by TSMC was found in a Huawei AI processor; ➂ The halt in shipments is likely due to the chip's presence in the Huawei processor---