11/04/2024, 12:52 AM UTC
纳维迪亚取代英特尔进入道琼斯工业平均指数,改变了我们所知的股息投资方式Nvidia Replacing Intel In The Dow Changes Dividend Investing As We Know It
1、本月晚些时候,纳维迪亚和Sherwin-Williams将取代英特尔和杜邦化学进入道琼斯工业平均指数。2、这一事件标志着股息投资方式的重大转变,因为市场不再像以前那样奖励这种风格。3、投资者需要调整他们的方法,以适应市场当前对收益投资的偏好。1. Nvidia and Sherwin-Williams will replace Intel and Dow Chemical in the Dow Jones Industrial Average later this month. 2. This event marks a significant shift in dividend investing as the market no longer rewards this style as it used to. 3. Investors need to adjust their approach to align with the market's current preferences for yield investments.
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