03/07/2025, 01:54 PM UTC
重新思考物理:量子力学100年 - 是时候展现女性视角了!RETHINKING PHYSICS: 100 Years of Quantum Mechanics - Time for a Female Perspective!
➀ 2025年3月8日国际妇女节,德累斯顿技术收藏馆将聚焦量子物理学家。
➁ 旅行展览“重新思考物理:量子力学100年——是时候展现女性视角了!”将以已建立和新兴研究者的肖像为特色。
➂ 展览旨在使自然科学中的女性更加可见,促进榜样作用,并鼓励质疑科学文化中的结构。
➀ The Technical Collections Dresden are highlighting quantum physicists on International Women's Day 2025.
➁ The traveling exhibition 'RETHINKING PHYSICS. 100 Years of Quantum Mechanics: Time for a Female Perspective!' will open with portraits of established and emerging researchers.
➂ The exhibition aims to make women in the natural sciences more visible, promote role models, and encourage questioning the structures in the scientific culture.