12/19/2024, 05:19 AM UTC
软体机器人混合结构的创新Hybrid Structures For Soft Robotics
➀ 澳大利亚昆士兰大学的科研人员开发了一种3D打印方法,用于制造模仿动物骨骼肌肉系统的强度和柔韧性的液态金属机器人;➁ 这些混合结构由软液态金属纳米颗粒和刚性镓基纳米棒制成,旨在模仿哺乳动物的运动;➂ 该技术有望应用于医疗康复设备和辅助技术等领域。➀ Researchers at the University of Queensland have developed a 3D printing method to create liquid metal robotics that mimic the strength and flexibility of animal musculoskeletal systems; ➁ The hybrid structures, made from soft liquid metal nanoparticles and rigid gallium-based nanorods, are designed to emulate mammalian movement; ➂ The technology has potential applications in medical rehabilitation devices and assistive technology.---