07/04/2024, 09:46 PM UTC
华硕ROG Swift 32英寸4K OLED游戏显示器通过固件升级获得新功能ASUS ROG Swift 32" 4K OLED Gaming Monitor Just Got Some Sweet Upgrades Via Firmware
1、华硕ROG Swift OLED PG32UCDM显示器通过固件更新增加了杜比视界支持和动态亮度增强功能。2、更新包括新的杜比视界模式和切换HDR格式的能力。3、修复了阻止ArmouryCrate控制AuraSync的错误。1. ASUS's ROG Swift OLED PG32UCDM monitor receives a firmware update adding Dolby Vision support and Dynamic Brightness Boost. 2. The update includes new Dolby Vision modes and the ability to switch between HDR formats. 3. A bug preventing ArmouryCrate from controlling AuraSync has been fixed.