03/05/2025, 10:30 PM UTC
您应该购买特斯拉的下跌吗?Should You Buy The Tesla Dip?
1. 特斯拉股价在过去一个月内因关税、中国销售疲软和对埃隆·马斯克电动汽车制造商的“买家罢工”而下跌近31%。2. 尽管仍然被高估,但TSLA的股价自2024年11月以来最低,吸引了多头。3. Seeking Alpha的量化系统将TSLA评级为持有,面临包括中国市场激烈竞争和反对马斯克在美国和欧洲日益增加的政治行动的示威者的买家罢工在内的风险。1. Tesla's stock has dropped nearly 31% in the past month due to tariffs, struggling Chinese sales, and a 'buyers strike' against Elon Musk's electric vehicle maker. 2. Despite still being overvalued, TSLA shares are at their cheapest since November 2024, attracting bulls. 3. Seeking Alpha's Quant System rates TSLA as a Hold, with risks including fierce competition in the Chinese market and buyers' strikes from demonstrators opposing Musk's increasing political action in the U.S. and Europe.---