08/21/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
芬兰地球观测公司Kuva Space成功发射高光谱微卫星,布局商业星座Hyperspectral microsatellite sees Kuva plot commercial constellation
➀ 芬兰地球观测公司Kuva Space成功发射了其高光谱微卫星Hyperfield-1,标志着其商业星座的初始阶段。➁ 该微卫星配备有专利的高光谱相机和AI驱动的分析平台,目标是在2027年前实现每日观测,并在2030年前实现无缝的全球次日报监测。➂ 公司计划提供基于订阅的近实时监测服务,用于监测地球上的各种条件和活动。➀ Kuva Space, a Finnish Earth observation company, has successfully launched its hyperspectral microsatellite Hyperfield-1, marking the initial stage of its commercial constellation. ➁ The microsatellite is equipped with a patented hyperspectral camera and an AI-powered analytics platform, aiming to provide daily observation by 2027 and gapless subdaily global monitoring by 2030. ➂ The company plans to offer a subscription-based service for near real-time monitoring of various Earth conditions and activities.