10/02/2024, 12:17 AM UTC
AMD EPYC嵌入式8004系列发布,新增70W SKUAMD EPYC Embedded 8004 Series Launches with a New 70W SKU
➀ AMD发布了新的AMD EPYC嵌入式8004系列;➁ 该系列包括一款12核心SKU,其可配置TDP低至70W;➂ 该系列基于AMD EPYC Siena平台,提供Zen 4c计算核心。➀ AMD announced the new AMD EPYC Embedded 8004 Series; ➁ The series includes a 12-core SKU with a configurable TDP as low as 70W; ➂ The series is based on the AMD EPYC Siena platform and offers Zen 4c compute cores.