12/27/2024, 06:49 AM UTC
新型合金助力更好的MRAM存储New Alloy For Better MRAM Memory
➀ 先进材料研究院(WPI-AIMR)的研究人员开发了一种具有高垂直磁各向异性(PMA)的钴锰铁合金薄膜,这对于MRAM设备至关重要;➁ 这种合金首次表现出强大的大PMA,解决了现有合金的挑战;➂ 该研究有助于开发基于自旋电子学的创新内存技术,以创造可持续的未来。➀ Researchers at the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR) have developed a cobalt-manganese-iron alloy thin film with high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), crucial for MRAM devices; ➁ This alloy demonstrates a strong large PMA for the first time, addressing the challenges of current alloys; ➂ The research contributes to the development of innovative spintronics-based memory technologies for a sustainable future.---