07/31/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
七月PS Plus Extra游戏玩家数量下降48%July’s PS Plus Extra titles see 48% drop in players
1、索尼的PlayStation Plus Extra库在七月与六月相比,玩家参与度下降了48%。2、尽管新增了如《遗迹II》和《危机核心:最终幻想VII重聚》等知名游戏,玩家数量仍显著减少。3、这一下降可能部分归因于2023年Days of Play活动中PS Plus订阅折扣力度不足。1. Sony's PlayStation Plus Extra library saw a 48% drop in player engagement in July compared to June. 2. Despite notable game additions like Remnant II and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, the player count decreased significantly. 3. The drop might be partially attributed to the absence of heavy discounts on PS Plus subscriptions during the 2023 Days of Play event.