11/28/2024, 04:03 PM UTC
鹰控系统在孟买提供的物联网实习机会Internet Of Things (IoT) Internship At Eagle Control Systems In Mumbai
本文介绍了孟买鹰控系统提供的物联网实习机会。实习生将负责设计嵌入式产品的固件、开发软件应用程序以及参与物联网项目。要求具备编程、电路设计、物联网等相关技能。实习期为6个月。The article discusses an internship opportunity in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) at Eagle Control Systems in Mumbai. The selected intern will be responsible for designing firmware for embedded products, developing software applications, and working on IoT projects. The requirements include skills in programming, circuit design, and IoT. The internship is available for a duration of 6 months.