07/18/2024, 08:30 PM UTC
《Splitgate》续作确认,新预告片及发布日期公布Splitgate sequel confirmed with new trailer and release date
1、《Splitgate》在经过长时间的早期访问开发和一年的公开测试后,于2022年达到V1.0版本。2、1047 Games宣布计划推出续作《Splitgate 2》,预计2025年发布,支持PC、PS5、Xbox Series X/S、Xbox One和PS4平台。3、在团队多人射击游戏市场饱和的情况下,续作旨在重新吸引并留住玩家。1. Splitgate reached V1.0 in 2022 after an extensive period of early access development, followed by a year-long open beta. 2. 1047 Games has announced plans for a sequel, Splitgate 2, which is set to launch in 2025 for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PS4. 3. The sequel aims to recapture the audience and retain them, amidst a saturated market of team-based multiplayer shooters.