10/26/2024, 12:53 PM UTC
Blackstone抵押贷款信托:风险寻求型投资者的10%收益Blackstone Mortgage Trust: 10% Yield For Risk-Seeking Investors
1. Blackstone抵押贷款信托面临持续的信用质量问题,尤其是在其美国办公楼段,尽管最近削减了24%,但仍然导致收益不足。2. 信托的可分配收益低于其削减后的股息,反映了紧张的信用状况和进一步削减股息的可能性。3. 尽管面临这些挑战,BXMT的股价相对于账面价值有15%的折让,这表明寻求10%收益的风险寻求型投资者面临的风险有限。1. Blackstone Mortgage Trust faces ongoing credit quality issues, particularly in its U.S. office segment, leading to under-earned dividends despite a recent 24% cut. 2. The trust's distributable earnings fell short of its reduced dividend, reflecting a strained credit situation and potential for further dividend cuts. 3. Despite these challenges, BXMT trades at a 15% discount to book value, suggesting limited downside risk for risk-seeking investors seeking a 10% yield.