07/30/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
得益于重新评估的焊线材料,功率半导体接触更可靠More Reliable Contacting of Power Semiconductors Thanks to Reevaluated Wire Bond Materials
1、柏林工业大学和弗劳恩霍夫可靠性与微集成研究所的科学家们对剪切测试中的机械损伤进行了建模,以更好地理解这一过程。2、具有铝包铜芯或铝镁合金的新型焊线材料比纯铝焊线更耐腐蚀。3、适用于标准粗焊线的现有剪切代码不能直接应用于这些新材料,因此需要新的评估指南。1. Scientists from TU Berlin and Fraunhofer IZM have modeled the mechanical damage during the shear test to better understand the process. 2. New wire materials with an aluminum-coated copper core or aluminum-magnesium alloys are more resistant than pure aluminum wires. 3. The existing shear codes for standard thick wires cannot be directly applied to these new materials, necessitating new evaluation guidelines.
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