06/16/2024, 04:00 AM UTC
一种新方法,可以在癌症患者中发现危及生命的感染A new way to spot life-threatening infections in cancer patients
1、化疗和其他治疗手段可以破坏免疫细胞,导致免疫系统受损的癌症患者出现潜在致命的感染。 2、Leuko正在 开发一种家用白细胞监测器,该监测器使用光线和人工智能在不抽血的情况下检测白细胞水平是否危险地低。 3、这项技术最初由麻省理工学院的研究人员在2015年构思,Leuko的设备已经准确检测了数百名癌症患者的低白细胞计数。 4、该公司一直在与FDA合作,以确认其设备的准确性和易用性,并预计将在今年晚些时候开始关键研究,以获得FDA的批准。 5、Leuko的团队相信,该设备可以通过根据个体患者的反应个性化化疗剂量来优化癌症治疗。 6、该设备还可以用于监测其他患者群体的免疫健康,如患有多发性硬化症、自身免疫疾病、器官移植和急诊室患者。 7、该公司设想将该设备作为未来测量白细胞以外其他血液参数的平台技术。1. Chemotherapy and other treatments can destroy immune cells, leading to potentially deadly infections in cancer patients with weakened immune systems. 2. Leuko is developing an at-home white blood cell monitor that uses light and artificial intelligence to detect dangerously low white blood cell levels without drawing blood. 3. The technology was conceived by MIT researchers in 2015, and Leuko's devices have accurately detected low white blood cell counts in hundreds of cancer patients. 4. The company has been working with the FDA to confirm the accuracy and ease of use of their device, expecting to begin a pivotal study for FDA approval later this year. 5. Leuko's team believes the device could optimize cancer treatment by personalizing chemotherapy doses based on individual patient reactions. 6. The device could also be used to monitor immune health in other patient populations, such as those with multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, organ transplants, and emergency room patients. 7. The company envisions the device as a platform technology for measuring other blood parameters beyond white blood cells in the future.---