10/29/2024, 02:09 PM UTC
使用激光进行三维半导体芯片对准3D Semiconductor Chip Alignment Using Lasers
➀ 本文讨论了使用激光对准进行三维半导体芯片制造,实现了几分之一纳米的精度。 ➁ 由于芯片层之间的间隙,传统使用显微镜的方法有限,而基于激光的方法通过使用同心金属透镜来投射全息图来克服这一点。 ➂ 该技术还可以造福高级位移传感器和半导体领域的初创公司。➀ The article discusses the use of laser-based alignment for 3D semiconductor chip manufacturing, achieving precision down to fractions of a nanometer. ➁ Traditional methods using microscopes are limited due to the gap between chip layers, whereas the laser-based method overcomes this by using concentric metalenses to project holograms. ➂ The technology could also benefit advanced displacement sensors and startups in the semiconductor field.