11/11/2024, 02:09 PM UTC
石墨烯中首次实现太赫兹检测First Terahertz Detection In Graphene
➀ 新加坡国立大学的研究人员发现掺杂石墨烯中存在独特的光电响应;➁ 他们证明在太赫兹辐射下,材料中的狄拉克电子可以与晶格热隔离;➂ 这可能导致超快、高性能太赫兹技术的进步。➀ Researchers at the National University of Singapore have discovered a unique photoresistive response in doped graphene; ➁ They demonstrated that Dirac electrons in the material can become thermally isolated from the lattice under THz radiation; ➂ This could lead to advancements in ultra-fast, high-performance THz technologies.