11/18/2024, 10:47 PM UTC
纳米薄膜中定位氢的新技术New Technique for Locating Hydrogen in Nanofilms
➀ 东京大学的研究人员利用离子通道和核反应分析(NRA)结合的技术,在纳米薄膜中定位氢原子;➁ 该技术被用于研究钛氢化物纳米薄膜,揭示了氢原子与氘原子的位置关系及其对材料特性的影响;➂ 该研究可能促进氢存储、固态电解质和异相催化的应用,为未来的实用和安全的绿色解决方案做出贡献。➀ Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed a technique to locate hydrogen in nanofilms using a combination of ion channeling and Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA).; ➁ The technique has been used to study titanium hydride nanofilms, revealing hydrogen atom locations in relation to deuterium atoms and their influence on material properties.; ➂ The study may lead to advancements in hydrogen storage, solid electrolytes, and heterogeneous catalysis, contributing to practical and safe green solutions for the future.