11/09/2024, 10:19 AM UTC
三星计划将过时NAND设备出售给中国本地公司 | TrendForce 新闻[News] Samsung Reportedly Mulls to Offload Outdated NAND Equipment in China to Local Companies | TrendForce News
➀ 据报道,三星正在减少其晶圆厂和传统DRAM的生产;➁ 这家韩国半导体巨头据说正在考虑将过时的NAND设备出售给中国;➂ 据称,本地中国公司是潜在买家。➀ Samsung is reportedly reducing its foundry and legacy DRAM production; ➁ The South Korean semiconductor giant is considering selling outdated NAND equipment in China; ➂ Local Chinese companies are said to be potential buyers.---