09/02/2024, 07:00 PM UTC
Square Enix 正在推进将《最终幻想14》引入任天堂‘主机’Square Enix is “making progress” on bringing FFXIV to Nintendo ‘consoles’
1、《最终幻想14》的导演吉田直树透露了将这款MMO引入任天堂主机的计划。2、吉田提到目标是尽可能在更多设备上发布游戏。3、对任天堂主机的提及可能包括当前和未来的硬件,潜在暗示了即将推出的Switch继任者。1. Final Fantasy XIV's director, Naoki Yoshida, has revealed plans to bring the MMO to Nintendo consoles. 2. Yoshida mentioned the goal is to release the game on as many devices as possible. 3. The reference to Nintendo consoles might include both current and future hardware, potentially hinting at the upcoming Switch successor.