09/12/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
自动驾驶汽车事故频发AVs Crash A Lot
➀ 2022年,在加州有1,552辆自动驾驶汽车行驶了570万英里,发生碰撞率为每千辆车96.7起,每百万英里26.3起。➁ 大多数碰撞都是轻微的,通常由其他交通参与者造成。➂ 由于报告不足,实际碰撞次数可能更高。➀ In 2022, 1,552 autonomous vehicles (AVs) driving 5.7 million miles were reported for testing in California, with a collision rate of 96.7 per 1,000 vehicles and 26.3 per million vehicle miles. ➁ Most collisions were minor and often caused by other traffic participants. ➂ The actual collision figures may be higher due to underreporting.