07/23/2024, 05:41 PM UTC
THWS团队'SWOT'赢得埃因霍温RoboCup世界冠军THWS Team 'SWOT' Wins RoboCup World Championship in Eindhoven
1、来自Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt的'SWOT'团队赢得了在埃因霍温举行的RoboCup@Work世界冠军。2、该团队为这一成就努力了五年,两次获得亚军和德国冠军。3、团队计划明年在巴西捍卫他们的冠军头衔,并正在寻找工业赞助商以获得财务和物流支持。1. The 'SWOT' team from Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt won the RoboCup@Work World Championship in Eindhoven. 2. The team has been working towards this success for five years, winning the vice world championship and the German championship twice. 3. The team plans to defend their title in Brazil next year and is seeking industrial sponsors for financial and logistical support.