11/11/2024, 02:23 PM UTC
QR方法隔离电源参考设计QR Method Isolated Power Supply Reference Design
➀ 本文介绍了采用QR方法的隔离电源参考设计,强调其20V输出、高级电源管理和全面的安全特性。 ➁ 该设计适用于高需求设备,确保电气安全并防止干扰。 ➂ ROHM提供的评估板提供90至264Vac的隔离20V输出,最大输出电流为4.5A。➀ The article introduces an isolated power supply reference design using the QR method, highlighting its 20V output, advanced power management, and comprehensive safety features. ➁ The design is suitable for high-demand devices and ensures electrical safety and protection against interference. ➂ The evaluation board from ROHM provides an isolated 20V output with a range of 90 to 264 Vac and a maximum output current of 4.5 A.
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