01/20/2025, 01:01 AM UTC
政策旋风手EdEd The Policy Dynamo
➀ 作者Ed讨论了部长们倾向于频繁发布消息而不是实质性的策略。
➁ 他提到自己会将旧的公告稍作修改后重新发布,以显得具有创新性。
➂ Ed所在的部门发布了大量关于千兆宽带和人工智能公司补助等主题的新闻稿,这让他的同事部长们感到嫉妒。
➀ The author, Ed, discusses the tendency of ministers to focus on frequent announcements rather than substantive strategies.
➁ He mentions his practice of recycling old announcements with modifications to appear innovative.
➂ Ed's department has been making numerous press releases on topics such as gigabit broadband and AI company grants, leading to jealousy among his ministerial colleagues.