10/24/2024, 10:15 PM UTC
70岁不破产,SCHD的简单致富之路Don't Be Broke In Your 70s, The Simple Path To Wealth With SCHD
1、阿尔·帕西诺因欺诈和过度消费在70岁时破产;2、对于缺乏金融知识的亲朋好友,SCHD是一个更好的保守投资选择;3、SCHD通过将任何一只道琼斯股息100指数前100只股票的风险控制在4%以内来管理风险。1. Al Pacino's financial downfall at 70 due to fraud and overspending; 2. SCHD as a conservative investment option for those with limited financial literacy; 3. SCHD's risk management strategy with a cap of 4% in top 100 stocks of the Dow Dividend 100 index.